
A God Of Miracles
By Marilyn Conrad

The day I heard that my husband had married another woman after our divorce, the scripture the Lord gave me through a friend was chapter 3 of Daniel. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego had faith in God. However, they were not delivered from their circumstances. They were thrown into the fiery furnace. We, too, may have to go through a divorce or other circumstances. However, this doesn't mean God is not answering our prayers. The fourth man (Jesus) was in the midst of the furnace with the three young men and they came out not even smelling of smoke.

We all go though tests and tribulations and we are concerned about the end results and so is God. However, He is also concerned about the process we go through because He desires us to be conformed to the image of His dear Son. (Romans 8:29) We need to get our eyes off the miracle and onto our daily lives and what God desires to do in each of us personally. God was concerned with how I reacted to my situation. He was aware of my pain, and forgiveness on my part enabled Him to minister to me.

When I asked, "Father, how did I miss you?" He whispered softly, "Daughter, you didn't miss me. My Word prevails over this situation also." In less than four months the marriage was annulled.

Song of Solomon 2:15 says the little foxes spoil the vines. We all have "little foxes," areas where we need to develop the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These fruit are within our recreated spirits and available for us to draw upon.

I'm not referring to cleaning up our lives through discipline (although discipline is necessary) because the result can be self-righteousness and legalism. We must allow the Holy Spirit to show us these areas and spend time in prayer so that godly sorrow and repentance can occur. Then the results will be lasting, accompanied by a sweet and gentle spirit.

Some areas in our lives that need changing are evident. Perhaps we display bad attitudes or a critical spirit. We may not curse, drink or live an immoral lifestyle, however, we may not be able to control our tongue or keep a confidence.

Perhaps our motives for doing things are wrong. Some who have the gift of hospitality or a servant's heart get their feelings hurt if they are not recognized and complimented. Sometimes we get upset with others when they do not help us with projects we take on.

Over the years I have observed that some who are generous givers use their money to control and manipulate others. Compassion and concern are used to obligate those they are helping. Jesus wants our hearts and motives to be pure.

Yes, we serve a God of miracles! However, after the miracle comes the responsibility to do something with that miracle. If we have submitted ourselves to the Lordship of Christ and allowed the fruit of the Spirit to be developed during the healing process, then God can trust us to be faithful and serve Him when our marriages are healed. I am saddened when covenant keepers attend our groups or write and call us for help until they are reconciled with their mates. Then we never hear from them again. An attitude of gratitude should produce a willingness to continue to help others. 2 Corinthians 1:4.

The Reason For The Season

By Starr Lichty

Starr is the Regional Director for the East Central Region (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia) and the North East Region (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont).

Let's talk a little bit here about giving and receiving, a natural topic at Christmas time. However, let's consider the topic of loneliness and depression which can also be natural at Christmas time in the lives of covenant keepers. And how could these be related?

Giving is the reason for the season. The giving of Jesus (John 3:16), God's only Son, is the reason for the season. Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all. (1 Timothy 2:6) Therefore we too want to give, especially at Christmas. A wonderful opportunity to think of others.

However, let's think of giving to others outside our usual circle of family and friends-to others who can't give back to us-to poor and needy. Our children, who naturally tend to be self-centered, work on long lists of 'gimme this and gimme that." They need to be taught to stop and think of giving to someone who needs their thoughtfulness.

For several years I had my children involved in helping select a personal gift for several inmates at the state hospital, wrap the gifts and deliver them. I could see the sense or satisfaction they received as they carried these gifts into the hospital.

We look around us for other needy people and children. Within our own Covenant Keepers groups we see needs. Maybe we are needy ourselves. Well, as we give out to others, we will have our own needs meet. Truly nice gifts include: offers to baby-sit, wash a car, do some laundry, clean a house, or drop off a bag of groceries. Many of these things the kids can participate in and be planting seeds for their needs to be met.

Do you see the wonderful opportunities here? Let’s list some:
- We and our children make a "giving list"-not a "gimme list."
- We plant seeds in giving. This brings joy as it is more blessed to give than to receive.
- We see a harvest come to us and our needs are met. Luke 6:38
- We've now discovered the antidote for loneliness, depression, and boredom. Stay busy thinking of others.

OK, tonight at the dinner table start making plans for the "giving project". Start early before the busyness set in. If you need love, sow love; if you need companionship, sow companionship, if you need money, sow money; if you need time, sow time. All in the lives of other needy people.

Remember to focus on Jesus and others! What does JOY mean? JESUS, OTHERS and YOU, in that order. Have a JOYFUL Christmas season!


By Marilyn Conrad

Holidays are family times and the realization that some of our families may not be together can be depressing and even devastating. The outcome is determined by us. We can allow the pressures of the holiday season to give us the right to be depressed, discouraged and full of self-pity. This "'I've got a right" spirit, although very subtle, many times can open the door for strife not only with our mates, but our children, families and friends. James 3:16 says, "where there is envy and strife there is confusion and every evil work." Getting into strife is like waving a red flag at the devil and saying, "Come over here, Satan, and bring confusion and every evil work with you!" 2 Corinthians 2:11 says we are not ignorant of Satan's devices. Therefore, we can be informed and prepared for his attacks this Christmas and dress in God's armor of protection. (Ephesians 6:11-18)


FIRST, we must determine to walk in love and forgiveness with family, friends and those we work with. We need to make a daily commitment as we "shod our feet with the preparation of peace" to walk in peace and forgiveness with all men.

SECOND, we must gird our loins with the belt of truth. God's Word is truth and we need to study it daily. During this holiday season God's Word will keep us from sin or sin will keep us from God's Word!

THIRD, strap on the breast plate of righteousness. Thank God that Jesus became sin for us and that we stand righteous before Him. We must determine to live a righteous life during the holidays.

FOURTH, lift up the shield of faith that stops all the fiery darts of the enemy. By faith destroy all Satan's plans and schemes against us each day. Speak death to any of His plans to get us into self pity or strife each day.

FIFTH, as we put on our helmet of salvation we need to thank God for renewing our minds with His Word. Thank Him for protecting our minds from depression, stress and the attacks of the enemy. We need to declare that we are dead to lust, greed, hate, anger, pride, fear, doubt and worry. Then declare that we are alive to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

SIXTH, we use our sword of the spirit by speaking God's Word. This sword is sharper than any two edged sword and we must determine to use it in every prayer and every situation.

SEVENTH, we must pray in the spirit at all times. When situations arise this Christmas that we don't have answers to (and they will) we must pray in the spirit. For then we are allowing the Holy Spirit to pray through us and He always prays God's perfect will for every situation.


During the holidays it seems to be easy to get our eyes off the Lord and onto circumstances and situations. At times it looks like we who are standing for God's best for our marriages and families are not winning at all. We often have difficulty with our finances while it appears our mates are being rewarded with prosperity and happiness. If you feel this is happening to you, I recommend reading Psalm 37. Verse one says, "Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers." To fret means to glow or grow warm with anger, jealousy, or grieving. God desires to show Himself strong on our behalf but He can't do it if we are fretting and worrying. David says we are to: trust in the Lord; do good; dwell in the land; cultivate faithfulness; delight thyself in the Lord; commit your way to Him; rest in the Lord; wait patiently for Him; cease from anger; and forsake wrath.


When we are obedient the results will be: He will give us the desires of our hearts, He will bring forth our righteousness as light and we will inherit the land. Then verse ten says, "yet a little while and the wicked man will be no more; and you will look carefully for his place and he will not be there." Verse 36 says, "I sought for him but he could not be found."

The person your mate is involved with will soon be gone if you fulfill your part and are obedient.

This holiday season protect yourself with that armor of God and fret not. Protect yourself from the "right" to be depressed, discouraged or full of strife. God is a partner to righteousness and we shall reap what we sow… life if we sow to the spirit and destruction if we sow to the flesh.

Have A Merry Christmas!


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