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Cutting Place Are you familiar with the prophet Elijahs encounter with the widow of Zeraphath and his triumph over the false prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel? Just as David had to slay the bear and the lion before he could face Goliath, Elijah had to experience his lion and bear before he was ready for the victory of Mt. Carmel. Before there could be a Mt. Carmel there had to be a brook Cherith. At this time, Ahab and his wicked queen, Jezebel, led the nation of Israel. In 1 Kings 14:9 we read "He did evil above all that were before him." Only a few years before, Israel had been led by kings such as David and Solomon. Gods people had retrogressed from righteous leadership to evil leadership. Then God sent his prophet Elijah to pronounce judgment upon such evil leadership and to call Israel to repentance. There is a striking parallel between our nation and Israel at this time. We have a godly, righteous heritage. Our forefathers respected righteousness and our nation was founded upon Gods commandments. However, like Israel we have turned our backs on God and his commandments. As a nation we have rejected righteousness. We allowed one woman to cause prayer to be removed from our public schools. Abortion is now available upon demand as a result of the Roe vs. Wade decision. AIDS has spread at an alarming rate. Crime, violence and pornography are blatantly displayed on TV. Marriage is no longer "until death do us part." There is a lack of commitment to the marriage covenant, even among born again Christians. A Call to Repentance But just as God called Israel to repentance, He is also calling our nation and the Body of Christ to repentance. This need for repentance recently brought Covenant Keepers together for our annual conference - repentance for the sin of divorce in our own families, and the sin that results from separation and divorce in our nation and in the Body of Christ. Elijah, the prophet, pronounced judgment upon King Ahab and the nation of Israel, and he had to escape for his life. God sent him to the brook Cherith to provide for him (read 1 Kings 17:1-6). Cherith means "the cutting place." It was not a beautiful, babbling stream, but just a trickle of water. Ravens fed Elijah. Ravens were regarded as unclean by the Hebrews because they were scavengers. They lived off rubbish. They didnt bring Elijah "T-bone steaks or freshly-baked bread!" Life for us, like Elijah, is not always comfortable and cozy. It costs us something to do Gods will. It costs us something to hold up Gods standard for marriage. Many of us have been misunderstood and even the topics of sermons. We have been called losers and doormats. At times, we have been made to feel that we are in rebellion because we dont accept divorce as ending our covenants with our mates. In most instances we have discovered that the church has a place for those who are divorced, but not seeking reconciliation, but nothing for those of us who believe in the permanency of marriage. Now, before we pat ourselves on the back, let me quickly say that just as for Elijah there had to be a brook Cherith, there must also be a cutting place for each of us. There must be a cutting away of what is not of God. In our zeal to share with others about marriage healing, we have at times been legalistic and self-righteous. We have at times condemned and judged others who have divorced and remarried. We have at times been loud, crude, crass and rude. God forgive us! Check Your Motives The brook Cherith is a place where we must first remove the beam from our own eye and then we can see clearly to remove the splinter from our brothers (mates) eye. Cherith was where God did some rough chiseling on Elijahs rugged character. For us Cherith is a place where we check our own motives for desiring our marriages to be healed. You do recognize that while your position on marriage healing may be scripturally correct, you motives can be wrong? God says that He looks upon the heart. He examines our motives. "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature: because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 Do you recognize that while your position on marriage healing may be scripturally correct, your motives can be wrong? I once had a telephone conversation with a lady from the Great Lakes area. During our conversation she was saying the right things and giving the right scriptures. However, in my spirit I did not have peace about what she was saying. When I got off the phone I said, "Father, what is going on there?" And He quickened to my spirit, "Her motives are wrong." I then asked, "Father, can we have wrong motives for wanting our marriages healed?" The Lord answered, "Yes, she wants to prove that she is right and her husband is wrong. She doesnt want the marriage healed for my honor and glory." Then He gave me a jingle "When the motive is wrong the stand is not strong." The brook Cherith is a pace where we get ourselves healed in order for our marriages to be healed - a place where we get rid of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge. A place where our wounded spirits and broken hearts are healed and restored. Once our emotions are healed and the confusion stops, we can effectively pray for our mates. "When the motive is wrong the stand is not strong." Cherith was a communion place for Elijah, and it can be the same for us. We learn to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (including our marriages) shall be added unto us." We put our priorities in proper order. We learn to trust God as our source, not our mates. Verse 7 of 1 Kings 17 says, "After a while the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land." The brook Cherith was not Elijahs source, God was. And now God was ready for Elijah to go to Zeraphath and eventually Mt. Carmel. Whatever we experience at Cherith prepares us to move forward. We are equipped to share and minister to others who are hurting in their marital relationships. (2 Cor 1:4) Remember, before there can be the victory of Mt. Carmel there must be a "cutting place." Annual Yellow Ribbon Day Oct 31st Come, Covenant Keepers Let's tie yellow ribbons 'round the old family tree, A symbol to the devil that our homes are truly free. Come, Covenant Keepers, Let us join in victory, as we tie yellow ribbons 'round the old family tree!
A Call To Prayer And Fasting Let's reclaim Halloween and make it a holy day a day of prayer and fasting for our nation, our homes and our families. Many Christians participate in the festivities of Halloween because of lack of knowledge. They believe "trick or treating" and wearing costumes is innocent fun. However, the Word says we are to depart from the very appearance of evil. Our alternative to Halloween is "Yellow Ribbon Day" and we spend the day praying for captives to be set free. A captive is anyone being held in bondage to addictions such as alcohol, drugs, gangs, occults, adultery or sexual perversion. We especially pray for salvation for our loved ones, friends and neighbors or those we work with. We pray for our nation and our leaders, our young people and our school systems. Participants tie yellow ribbons around trees, lamp posts or doorways to let others know that the occupants do not participate in the traditional Halloween practices. So invite your neighbors, friends and churches to join us October 31st. Isaiah 58:6-7 says, "God's chosen fast is to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke." Joel 1:4 says, Consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assemble: gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord." Prayer Targets: Pray for the following as well as what the Holy Spirit instructs: National, state and local leaders and pastors. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Salvation for mates and children. Isaiah 44:3; Ephesians 6:12; Acts 16:31 Protection for children, especially from abortion. Leviticus 18:21 Healing and restoration of families around the world. Pray for children and parents to be reconciled and broken hearts and emotions healed. Pray for bitterness and unforgiveness to be removed. Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:12, 13, 18-20; Malachi 4:6 Pray for all newly reconciled couples. The enemy always tries to attack, especially during the first year. Cover them with the blood of Jesus, bind any attacks from the enemy and loose the will, plan and purpose of God to be done in their lives. Pray that both mates will be open and teachable. Pray especially for the covenant keeper to NOT stop doing what they know to do! "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9 Remember to praise the Lord for all that He has done and will do for you and your family. Hebrews 13:15; Psalm 30:11; Jeremiah 31:13 Covenant Keepers group leader heard that Satan worshippers pray for the destruction of the family every evening meal. The Lord gave her an injunction to pray for the restoration of families at every meal. She believes this is a word to all Covenant Keepers. We hit Satan twice, even three times as hard as he is hitting us. Some of her group members are already doing this.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12 NIV
If you believe you are called to intercede for the ministry on a regular basis please let us know. We will send you a questionnaire to fill out and return. Our director of prayer will send you a monthly letter along with prayer requests we ask you to pray over and return to us with any insight the Lord gives you. We then write the person and pass along your insight. You may request the questionnaire via e-mail at covenantkeepersinc@internetmci.com.
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