Marilyn Conrad is the author of AN ALTERNATIVE TO DIVORCE.

She has been a guest on TBN’S BACK ON COURSE with Gavin and Patti MacLeod and “THE ROAD SHOW” on the OASIS NETWORK in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Marilyn has also been interviewed on several other radio programs including “FOUNDATIONS FOR THE FAMILY”, where she was the guest of her pastor.

Marilyn is a member of Cornerstone Church On The Rock, Tulsa, where she is licensed.


Dear Friends,

Covenant Keepers was formed to offer an alternative to divorce. When my own marriage was attacked several years ago I was shocked at the lack of help or encouragement available in the church for reconciliation and restoration. On the other hand, I discovered abundant counsel on divorce and making a new life for myself. However, I knew I had committed myself to my husband “until death do us part” and that God was a witness to our covenant. I began to search the scriptures to gain God’s perspective on marriage and divorce.

As a result I opened my home to others in the same situation. Soon I was asked to volunteer for a marriage healing ministry and eventually went on staff for four years. Covenant Keepers is a result of those years of ministry to others and the Biblical principles learned during that time.

It is not my desire to bring condemnation to those already divorced or remarried. However, I believe that individuals committed to the permanency of marriage should be given an option in the Body of Christ.

Marilyn Conrad, President
Covenant Keepers, Inc.



© 1999 Covenant Keepers, Inc., P.O. Box 702371, Tulsa, OK 74170-2371.

Phone: (918) 743-0365 - Fax: (918) 743-0484
All Rights Reserved.